Home > 2016 elections, presidentiables, presidentiables brand positioning, rody duterte > why Rody Duterte is wrong for the country – he inspires us be our worst #2016PHVote

why Rody Duterte is wrong for the country – he inspires us be our worst #2016PHVote


this picture of a Duterte supporter displaying this poster during the last presidential debate in Luzon is prime example of why Rody Duterte is not right, is bad for the country and our people  – Duterte inspires us to be our worst. with Duterte, we think being stupid is the right thing to do and to be.

this Duterte supporter thinks telling those who will not vote for their candidate that they will be killed is okay, even smart and for sure something to be proud of. the supporter forgets or ignored that killing is a crime and not something decent people wish for others.

i am thinking this supporter thinks this is okay, as he will probably say it’s just a joke or these are just words. but that on itself is also wrong. it’s not a joke when you kill someone or when you are killed, the same way as it is not a joke to say you would have wanted to be the first to rape a dead victim who has been gang raped.

we take decency so lightly now, even our values and principles. Duterte has given us the example to do that. and by Duterte’s example we can be harming and hurting others now and just give it an excuse later or just apologize after the harm has been done.

this is now who we are as a people. we do not teach these things these values and thinking to our children, in fact we teach our children not to be like these. why then do we tolerate and follow the example of Rody Duterte?



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