
Posts Tagged ‘Pope Francis selfie’

the Pope Francis Philippine visit – the speeches, the selfie and the 12yr old girl who made us cry

January 18, 2015 1 comment

VP Binay reaction captured by camera when Pope Francis talked about corruptio

January 16, 2015 57 comments

this was this morning at Malacanang during Pope Francis’ speech. the camera seemed to have captured VP Binay’s reaction when Pope Francis said “Reject all corruption that divert resources from the poor.

the picture seem to have captured the moment when Pope Francis said those words. look at the picture it was literally ONLY VP Binay who looked away from the Pope, the opposite of where everyone was looking. everyone in the picture, including his wife Elenita was looking at the pope.

the reaction was priceless!


the moment Pope Francis spoke about rejecting corruption, philippine social media exploded with tweets on the topic. admit it – we are guessing the moment Pope Francis mentioned “rejecting corruption” you like most people thought of VP Binay! yes?

we have a twitter account (@wawam) and one of our tweets was quoted at

rappler wawam

read it here:


#1MonthSalaryBonus for all government agency personnel who served in Pope Francis visit

read it here :



wawam nyt

As Pope Francis Visits Philippines, Tensions Between Church and Government Surface

read here :

this was the tweet that was included there:

we had other tweets on the Pope Francis philippine visit:

there were some on social media making something out of the color of the raincoats that were distributed and used by people in Tacloban – color yellow. they were making a point that the yellow color is an epal attempt by Aquino.

this tweet is the explanation, yellow is the papal color and in fact the Vatican City flag is in yellow and white.

this is the first selfie taken with Pope Francis. taken at Villamor Airbase today on his return from Tacloban.

