
Posts Tagged ‘richard gordon’

The 2010 Presidentiables Blog Poll closed – #1-villanueva; #2-gordon; #3-teodoro; #4-aquino

May 8, 2010 483 comments

several tens of thousands voted in our poll here at The 2010 Presidentiables Blog  Poll which was first opened on december 2, 2009. this is probably one of the most successful internet poll on the 2010 presidentiables given the sheer number of voters.

this was the 2nd presidentiables poll we opened here with the first one including the undeclared but claimed candidates. this poll only includes the official COMELEC list of presidentiables.

we like to thank everyone for viting in the polls and posting your comments her.

on may 10, we will open a new poll – an exit poll. you will be asked to vote the presidentiable you actually voted in the election.

know your candidate better and find out specifics on all the other candidates,  compare them,  click here :

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click here to know your precinct number and confirm you are a registered voter

May 8, 2010 6 comments

please note latest on this one — COMELEC’s precinct finder is down, overwhlemed by hits. they have given hotline numbers to call.

Those who want to find their precincts may call the information technology (IT) department of the Comelec. The hotlines are

  • 527-0841
  • 527-2773
  • 527-2772
  • 527-0822
  • 526-7769


try this out,  confirm if you are a registered voter and find your precinct number, click here:

  • 526-7770
  • is an aquino landslide win possible?

    manny villar : poverty can be eliminated

    May 6, 2010 2 comments

    MANUEL B. VILLAR: It’s not impossible to end poverty

    By Michael Lim Ubac, Nikko Dizon
    Philippine Daily Inquirer
    First Posted 05:32:00 05/06/2010

    (Editor’s Note: The presidential profiles will be running in no particular order but as the stories come in from our reporters in the field.)

    (Seventh of a series)

    MANILA, Philippines—From selling seafood in Divisoria to leading the two chambers of the Philippine Congress, the boy from Moriones in Tondo, Manila, now wants to reside in Malacañang.

    “Is it difficult to think that a poor fellow can also become President of the Philippines?” Nacionalista Party standard-bearer Sen. Manuel Villar asks rhetorically during his campaign rallies all over the country.

    The real estate magnate and lone billionaire in the presidential derby shuns long introductions and quickly reminds the crowds about his humble beginnings in Tondo—once home to the Smokey Mountain dump, which in the 1980s became the symbol of crippling poverty in the country.

    Critics, however, question his rags-to-riches story to the point of digging up his family income in the 1960s, which they say was of middle-class standards at the time. They sneer even at his campaign jingle: Did he really swim in a “sea of garbage” as a kid? Was Manila that filthy back then?

    More recently, he denied wrongdoing and dismissed as mere politicking allegations that he pressured stock market officials in 2007 to bend trading rules and let him rake in earnings that now form part of his campaign kitty.

    Brown ‘taipan’

    Still, this “brown taipan” has attracted the biggest crowds in the presidential race—thanks largely to the “concert” troupe he brings along when touring major cities. Attendance in a Davao City rally last month, for instance, was pegged at 120,000, despite heavy rains, according to police estimates.

    In his public addresses, Villar seems to stress that, for all his affluence, he should not be counted among the country’s Old Rich oligarchs. In fact, he considers their perennial lock on the country’s economic and political power as a hurdle to his antipoverty vision. (Insiders in the Villar camp say he has fully calculated the risks of making such statements.)

    Read more…

    caution: over-confidence and complacency might not get aquino elected

    May 6, 2010 2 comments

    there is an avalanche of good news for noynoy aquino – all the polls are showing he is still the front runner in this election. not only is he the front runner but his ratings are still increasing and his closest opponent’s ratings are decreasing.

    he recently got the endorsement of iglesia ni cristo which can get him a command votes of at least 1M to 2M.

    for sure, aquino supporters are ecstatic and energized with these developments. but aquino might not get elected president if his supporters become over-confident and complacent. they might turn lazy and not go out and vote on may 10, thinking that his win is a sure thing. if that  thinking gets into the big numbers, aquino just might end up much less votes than originally hoped for.

    now is the time to be even more vigilant and determined, not relaxed and lazy, all supporters of aquino must go out and campaign for aquino and more importantly make sure to go out and vote on may 10. every vote counts!

    voting machine (PCOS) fails – what should we do?

    May 5, 2010 2 comments

    please post your comments and let us know what you think about this issue. we will post here your comments.

    Iglesia NI Cristo endorses noynoy aquino and mar roxas – is it worth anything?

    May 5, 2010 14 comments

    this is philippine politics tradition – waiting  for the Iglesia Ni Cristo’s endorsement of who they will be asking their flock to vote in the coming election, for this one, noynoy aquino and mar roxas got INC’s endorsement.

    the timing is also perfect – just a few days before election day. this is an excellent boost to name recall and will re-energize the aquino and roxas supporters and campaigners. it’s excellent timing to get an army of supporters going for the kill with just a few days to go.

    is there any value to this endorsement?

    iglesia has a reported command vote of 3 million to 5 million. we think that is an exaggeration. we also think command votes from religious groups do not really materialize. 

    the real value of this endorsement is bragging rights and excellent media mileage, not actual huge numbers of votes. this kind of news is excellent news for the media to write about and for the people to talk about. it is also an excellent topic for the aquino campaign to banner.

    we will most likely be reading about this in the next day or two and will get a lot of media interviews for aquino and roxas. this is best used for press interviews but might not be a good idea to talk about it extensively during public meetings as it has the potential to turn off none iglesia members.

    certainly this has the potential to tip the scale in favor of aquino from a bragging rights point of view with pastor quiloboy endorsing gilbert teodoro the other day. iglesia is a much larger religious group than the pastor’s.

    the key question now will be how will the other campaigns handle the situation? this leaves manny villar in the cold and puts teodoro back down to earth with his lowly 7% rating in the polls.

    there is a clear momentum for the aquino campaign now.

    our stand – POSTPONE THE ELECTION, fix all problems first

    May 4, 2010 1 comment



    there is no reason why we cannot postpone the election! there are simply too many problems being encountered with the PCOS machine and the whole system of the automated election. we knew from the very start the COMELEC did not have enough time to fix everything, these new developments with the machine proves that one more time. 

    let’s be honest with ourselves, there is just too many unknowns on this thing that we should postpone the election and fix everything first. postponing it will only bring inconvenience but it will ensure that when we actually conduct the election and everything has been tested and fixed, then it’s a credible election with no questions to cast doubt on it,

    let us postpone the election! we think one week to two weeks at the most will do it. and during that time, everything should be tested and fixed.


    on-site tests from all over on PCOS machines show problems

    May 3, 2010 Leave a comment

    NP bares irregularities in PCOS machines

    By Maila Ager
    First Posted 20:55:00 05/03/2010

    MANILA, Philippines – Alleged irregularities in the testing and sealing of the precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machines have been discovered by the camp of Nationalista Party (NP) standard-bearer Manny Villar.

    In Muntinlupa, for instance, Villar’s name could not be read by the poll automated machines, NP spokesman and senatorial bet Gilbert Remulla said over the phone on Monday night.

    “When the result came out after the voting, walang Villar na lumabas [no vote for Villar was counted]. Our team members voted but their Villar vote did not appear,” Remulla said.

    In Mindoro, Remulla said, the machines only read the name of administration bet, former Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro.

    “Tapos sa local officials, mga taga Lakas (Lakas-Kampi-CMD) lang ang lumalabas [And among the local officials, only candidates of the Lakas appear],” he said.

    Other irregularities in the testing of PCOS machines, he said, were also reported in Batangas, Makati, and Pateros.

    “Hindi binabasa ang boto ng tao [It does not read the votes of the people],” said Remulla.

    He then asked the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to address the problem.

    “It seems that there’s basis to speculations of a failure of election, after all,” Remulla said.

    “The Comelec has to answer to these serious charges against them,” he added.

    corruption is the number 1 issue in the 2010 philippine election

    May 3, 2010 3 comments

    read the platforms of government of all presidentiables here

    May 2, 2010 3 comments

    presidentiables stand on how they will generate jobs

    May 2, 2010 3 comments



    How they’ll generate jobs 
    Philippine Daily Inquirer
    First Posted 21:13:00 05/01/2010

    FILIPINOS CONTINUE TO LEAVE FOR JOBS OVERSEAS. THERE ARE SIMPLY not enough jobs available in the country. While remittances help keep the economy afloat, the social costs of a parent or spouse working abroad are huge. A bright spot is the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector, which has absorbed tens of thousands of college graduates. But the BPO sector benefits mostly the middle class. It is closed to the poor who have less education. A big number of Filipinos are unemployed or underemployed or have simply given up hope of finding a job. How the next administration will address the unemployment problem can be gleaned from the answers of the presidential candidates to the following questions:

    How will you generate jobs? What policies and programs will you pursue to create jobs?
    What kind of jobs will be generated under your administration? What sectors, industries?
    Will you encourage the export of labor?

    Benigno Aquino III
    Liberal Party

    THE NO. 1 ITEM IN OUR PLATform is job generation. The theory is we could increase the quality and remuneration of jobs available here. It might not match those in other countries but with the added benefit of having your family and you are a first-class citizen here. We might have enough people who will decide to stay.

    We want something like (US President Franklin) Roosevelt’s job creation program—building schools or public works projects with a big labor bias. If the project will not be delayed and it’s OK cost-wise, then we will choose a labor-intensive program.

    We have so many areas that have a big potential like the BPO sector, IT and agriculture, particularly post-harvest production. Agriculture can be subdivided [into subsectors]. There are also many others that have not been exploited like fruits, [which can be processed into] fruit juices.

    My understanding of the law is that the state cannot make it a policy to export our workers. Nevertheless, I want to make sure that the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration, and our embassies and consulates really help all our overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

    A very significant portion of the population are OFWs outside the country. So the main point is that if they leave, it’s because they want to and not because they have to.
    Interview by Philip Tubeza


    JC de los Reyes
    Ang Kapatiran

    WORK IS A WAY OF FULFILLing part of our human potential given to us by God. If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers, owners and managers must be respected—the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to organize and join unions, to economic initiative, and to ownership and private property.

    Ang Kapatiran shall ensure rapid and sustained economic growth for sustainable poverty reduction and better quality of life for all by:

    Reviewing and rationalizing all outstanding public debts and limiting future government borrowings within the growth level of our exports or GDP;

    Raising private and public savings rates to increase total investment rate;

    Enhancing investments in human resource development, especially by strengthening education in the sciences, mathematics, engineering and English;

    Streamlining government bureaucracy to reduce personnel expenditures;

    Drastically improving tax administration and revenue collection;

    Abolishing laws, rules and regulations that give government revenue personnel the discretion to allow or disallow certain deductions or exemptions;

    Prioritizing agricultural development to attain a high degree of self-sufficiency by encouraging productivity through the introduction of new technologies and support-infrastructure;

    Creating microfinance and other credit facilities for small enterprises by harnessing OFW remittances and more exports for economic development;

    Encouraging livelihood through the formation of cooperatives and other small enterprises and development programs to alleviate poverty in the grassroots level;

    Implementing the agrarian reform program;

    Promoting industrialization by encouraging the expansion of useful industries, including telecommunications and information technology;

    Attaining a stable balance of trade by encouraging the development of new export products and improving existing ones.

    In summary, Ang Kapatiran shall work for a “job-filled society”—industrialization for the economic well-being of all, agricultural development, microfinance and other credit facilities for small- and medium-enterprises, and positive investment climate to reverse the outflow of OFWs.
    Interview by Jerome Aning


    Joseph Estrada
    Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino

    WE WILL GET RID OF THE secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the New People’s Army (NPA). So we will start developing the countryside. Right now, the government cannot develop the countryside.

    In the early ’50s and ’60s, informal settlers or squatters were concentrated in Metro Manila. Today, in all urban areas, there are squatters because the countryside remains undeveloped. There’s the NPA. In Mindanao, there’s the MILF.

    We will concentrate on services and agriculture to generate jobs. When there’s peace and order, there’ll no longer be [adverse] travel advisories from other countries. We will improve our tourism.

    We cannot stop the export of labor soon. Maybe within two to three years. It will take time to generate jobs. Like for example, during my time, if you will remember we planned to change the economic provisions of the Constitution so that we can generate jobs.

    We will allow foreigners to own land here except agricultural land. If we allow foreigners to own land they can compete with our local realtors and once (they own land) they will develop that. Once they develop that, it will generate jobs.
    Interview by Norman Bordadora


    Richard Gordon

    WE HAVE NATURAL TRAITS and skills for tourism. We can be the beach capital of the world. We have enough airports already. Our problem is we have to do some policy on certain airports to be declared “open skies.” Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam have open skies.

    The educational system is producing many hotel and restaurant management graduates. That is the future. Because of the tourism law which I authored, we can now invite more investors to build establishments without overtaxing the environment.

    We can spread out hotels. Tourists will not want to go to Boracay every year. They want to go to new destinations. Our graduates can be tuned into tourism and entrepreneurship. But our education must also leapfrog to information technology. So you will want more software development.

    We may have to export labor for a while, but we will encourage enhancing labor skills. I am not going to send a maid. I am going to send a governess. There is a value added.

    We also have to make sure that we harness savings instead of encouraging a consumption-based economy. We will have a provident fund in which we are able to raise money from the savings of our overseas workers. Professional people should run the fund as they do it in Singapore.
    Interview by Edson C. Tandoc Jr.

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